Thursday, May 30, 2013

VLOG Update! :)

It's been awhile since I posted a VLOG! Just giving you all a quick update via video :)! Please excuse the hot messiness...I had just got killed at the gym, took a shower and def not wearing makeup! In fact...not sure if I even brushed my hair! Hahhaha oh well :)

P.S.- I'm serious about the blog thing.  If you have a weightloss blog and you want to share it with me, please do!  I love reading about other peoples weightloss journeys!  The best support I have received is the one from social media!  So please share! :)


  1. You are so ridiculously cute.. I love the vlog thing because its cool to actually hear your voice, it takes it to the next stalker-ish level. You are adorbs without makeup no worries at all. You are such a well rounded gym girl and I am so proud of you for all you are doing and hell yes to your trainer... :) I just love you... That's all. Love you!

  2. I love your Vlog! So fun. I am an on again off again exerciser. I do well for a month or two and then get lazy. I am a horrible eater for the most part...but a work in progress. Love your blog!

    Great job on the loss. Your don't quit attitude is really inspiring!

    1. :) thank you love! It is soooo hard to stay motivated for a long period of time! It really is...esp if you are plateauing and not seeing amazing results that make you want to keep going! (at least that happens to me ALL the time). I get obsessive and then the obsession wears down and I need to find the motivation to obsess what you go through is completely normal!

      I am also a terrible eater! This is the part that I have the most trouble with and for really is all mental. I allow myself to have a cheat meal when it's a special occasion. BUT...I also sometimes eat whatever I want when I want because I know that if I don't I would probably give up on this journey completely! You gotta live life right?!

      Anyways...your comment inspired me to write a post about that soon!

      Don't give up!! You can do this!! We are all here to support you on your journey! <3

  3. :waves: HIIII Just found your blog.

  4. Just found your blog! Totally am following you lol! My blog is:

    Awesome that you have a personal trainer and that it is working so well for you! Lifting does so much for you I am finding out.

    1. Hi! I love lifting! well...after the soreness goes away! :)

      Just read your blog entry, I love your goals! You can do this! :) xoxo
