Tuesday, April 15, 2014

I'm Alive

Hi, I'm still here, and I still sometimes workout and eat healthy. I just haven't had the time to post a good post, life has been hectic!

In the meantime here are a few of my workouts from the past...holy crap.  Totally just realized that for the past few weeks I've been working out only once a week. Total fail.  I can't even say here are a few workouts from the past week..because I only have a few workouts for the past month.  UGH!  Anyways...here we go...

Kickboxing 3 weeks ago

Kickboxing 2 weeks ago!

Sunday morning walk!
I obviously still love kickboxing!! Some unforseen circumstances came up and I was unable to attend last week and man...I realllllly needed it!  Looking forward to going this week, that's for sure!  Also, the weather on the East coast has been amazingggg and I have LOVED every second of it. I tried to get out there and walk as much as I could...hahaha aka one day...but it still counts and I still loved it.

My food intake has been hit or miss.  I'm so poor at the moment that all I eat is oatmeal, smart ones and pbj...but daaaamn do I have some cute new clothes and shoes for this Spring! Priorities!  I wish I was kidding...but hey, I will get back to it! I promise...no going back! :)

And I will leave you with this picture because it makes me smile...a lot, and that is what's most important.

Kirby on my coffee table <3 td="">


  1. Sometimes life just happens. I am in the same boat. Working out has not been a priority as of late, but it is again.

    Your dog is so adorable!!!! I want one!

    1. Good, that gives me hope that I will get back into it again! :)

      Ha he is cute but so bad!

  2. Working out has been a challenging one for me. But I just have to do it. You can check my blog here http://leeznijis.blogspot.com/ Also follow my blog. I'm already following urs.
