So I think it's time to share my LIFE CHANGING decision with everyone!
On September 7th, I got VSG surgery! For those of you who don't know what that is, I basically had weightloss surgery to have half my stomach removed.
This wasn't an impulse decision, it was something I was researching and considering for awhile. I have been big my entire life and I haven't had much success. Losing weight is the HARDEST thing I have ever had to do and I decided that it was time to get some permanent help!
My journey started May 2016 where I went to an information session about weightloss surgeries. You learn everything from what the surgery entails, the risks and how your life will forever change. I made an appointment with the surgeon as soon as possible to get the process started. Everyone is different due to insurance regulations, there are different processes you have to take based on what will be approved by them. For me, I had to have 4 months consecutive office visits with the surgeon, a psych eval, EKG, upper GI xray, nutritionist visits and a 90day supervised exercise program. I was able to finish everything by mid August and my surgery was scheduled right after that!
Everything was pretty simple, the 90 day exercise program was the most annoying. I had to go every week to a physical therapy place where they gave me workouts to do. 10 mins on the treadmill, 10 mins on the bike, 10 mins on the arm bike, weight lifting and other cardio exercises. It was like $70 a pop so it got expensive. It was also annoying because I felt like the people there weren't very nice to me but whatever. Glad that is done!
I was very nervous once surgery came closer. I had lost about 23lbs since May on the preop diet. That included just eating healthier and changing some habits that helped you transition into life after surgery. The most significant change would be the protein shakes. I had one every day for breakfast and still do. Other changes was just to focus on protein and less carbs, not too bad! I did have many food funerals though, which included pizza, burgers, fries and all that JUNK!
On the day of surgery I weighed in at 308lbs.
Surgery for me was pretty easy! I feel like I had a textbook experience. I felt bad pain once from gas while at the hospital but that was it! I was up and walking a few hours after surgery. I felt amazing! I spent the night in the hospital, had a leak test the next day and then I was sent home! Overall I felt very positive about the whole experience!
Once I was home I was on a 2 week liquid diet which consisted of mostly protein shakes. Everyday you have to hit a 60g protein goal. Those 2 weeks were the hardest but I kept focus and they flew by! During that time I had NO energy and was in bed alot but still managed to get a few walks in. The next 2 weeks were a pureed diet which was mostly eggs, beans, soft cheeses, greek yogurt. Needless to say I ate A LOT of eggs lol! That was a hard two weeks as well but I did it! After 4 weeks you can move on to normal food. That was an awesome day haha! You still have to eat protein and low carb but being able to eat chicken and veggies was amazing!
4 Days Post Op |
My scars are very small, I have 5, you can't see the 5th, it's in my belly button! Now, 5 weeks post op they are even better! I feel amazing now! I have all my energy back and I am feeling like my old self! Well, not entirely of course! :)
I have lost a total of 46lbs and 23lbs since surgery! I have lost even more inches! I started off as a size 22/24 and now I am in size 20! Everyday is so great, I am not struggling at all. I have made great choices and do not miss bread or carbs at all! I am very happy with this decision and I have no regrets! :) I will update again soon!