Monday, July 8, 2013

A-MAZING Weekend

I just had one of the BEST weekends I have ever had this weekend! was amazing. In every aspect.

So here we go:

Friday after work I never worked out, I knew this may happen so I made sure to get my workouts in during the week.  I was able to workout last week 5x so I met my goal! YES!

Anyways...Friday night I met up with a guy friend to go out in Philly.  (Side note: totally met this guy off  After one date we decided it just wasn't "there" but he wanted to stay friends.  I was actually surprised that he kept in touch with me.  Like this kid really wants to stay friends! Kinda weird...right? But then totally awesome to make a new friend in an unexpected place!) Anyways...he asked me to hang out Fri night so I said sure.  We ended up going to the Fishtown neighborhood of Philadelphia.  For those of you who don't really know the neighborhoods of Philly, Fishtown is kind of a hipster haven.  So many cool dive bars and eclectic bars.  It's a really cool area and I love it!  We went to a beer garden and then went to Barcade which is a cool bar with old school arcade games.  It was SO fun! I loved hanging out with a guy not having to worry about what I looked like or trying to impress him. I could just be myself and it was awesome.  I actually felt we had more chemistry fri than on our first "date" so idk what happened but I also don't care.  It was so fun!  We ended up going to a casino at like 1am where I won $100 on the Sex and the City slot machine. Great way to end a perfectly awesome and fun night.  Hell. Yes.

Saturday I woke up early and headed to the beach with some friends. It was beautiful weather and a great day!

Sunday morning I finally made it to the gym for the 9:45am zumba class! I loveeee this class and the instructor!! It's always a kick ass fast paced zumba class so I love when I can actually make it!  I woke up feeling unmotivated and totally wanted to skip out on the gym.  But I have a weekend coming up this weekend where I'm a bridesmaid and I know that it will be hard for me to get to the gym towards the end of the week.  So I forced myself to go. I got to the gym a little early so I did a warm up on the treadmill for 10mins then did the 1hr zumba class.

Sunday morning zumba!
I def left all I had on that zumba dance floor!

I wanted to post this pic seperately because I like what I see.
I know it's prob how I'm standing but I don't feel obese.
Large and in charge still...yes but not gross.
Baby steps.
After the gym I had to hurry and get ready for...wait for it...the WNBA Chicago Sky game I was going to!!!!!!!

Background:  Remember how I said in my last post I obsess about things?  WELL...I am OBSESSED with the WNBA player Elena Delle Donne.  Like obsesssssssssssssed. She is a phenomenon and a crazy good basketball player. Like insanely good.  Think...Michael Jordan of the WNBA.  She is from Delaware and I have followed her career since high school. I even played against her (how awesome is that?!).  She ended up with a full ride to UConn (every girl bball players dream school) but left there to come back to Delaware to play for the University of Delaware (where I went!). Wait...did I already blog about this? If so, I'm sorry! hahahaah!  Anyways...after an amazing UofD career she was the #2 WNBA draft pick and part of the "three to see."  She was drafted to the Chicago Sky.  Since she plays in Chicago I can't go to any games and I have to resort to watching all of her games on my ipad though an app (they don't even air the games on tv).

Chicago was playing NY so me and my friend snagged tickets to go see the game! Ummmmmmmm so awesome.  I had been counting down the days until we could go to this game!  We were 5 rows from the court and directly behind the sky bench.

I made a sign...hahaha!!!

Stalker shots....

No shame.

It was an AMAZING experience and Chicago dominated NY and won 93-64. Delle Donne only played 28mins and ended up with 20pts. Amazing.

So just a little side friend took a candid picture of me and I like what I see.  I'm not grossed out by it and I can see so much progress!  I am still not very happy with my legs, they look a little fat but I am happy with how I look in an XL shirt! I was pretty happy when I saw this pic!

I'm wearing University of Delaware stuff!
No worries...just ordered my Delle Donne Chicago Sky shirt :)
Soooo to sum up this was a GREAT and PERFECT weekend! I wouldn't have changed a thing!!! I loved every minute of it!  I was so sad to see it end :)

SIDE NOTE: On a serious subject...I was talking to my mom this weekend about my obsessiveness with Elena Delle Donne, shopping, food, anything/everything and she said that it is very possible that I really have a medical disorder.  I always joke about it like it's just me being silly but it really could be a problem.  She said that OCD runs on my dads side of the family and that a lot of family members deal with this.  I was somewhat glad to hear this that it wasn't just me being annoying and that it is a real issue.  I always knew OCD existed but I never knew it could be something I really had.  Weird. Maybe I will see a doctor about it? I does ruin my bank account. HA! :)


  1. It's okay to stalk someone... said the crazy girl... seriously, I think its fun to have someone you love so much that you want to follow. (Said the girl who is obsessed with Pink) It's harmless fun, really.

    so proud of you for getting yourself out of bed to exercise even though you didn't want to. That is such an accomplishment and sign of how far you've come.

    I wrote about OCD in my reply to your last post but don't be too quick to medicate away who you are... if the doctors feel its right than listen to them I guess but I've always felt like my OCD was part of the good in me too. It can be costly though :)

    Love you so much and so glad you had a great weekend!!!

  2. I loved this post for a couple of reasons.

    1. I actually met my boyfriend (of 1.5 years & going strong) on and totally recommend it to people, so even though new friend isn't a love connection, YAY for Match!
    2. I am diagnosed OCD since I was 20 (12 years ago, AUGH) and only was on meds for about 2 years. I have a family history of it too. I found the most success with cognitive therapy, which basically helps you with the thinking process. As for harmless celeb stalking, I see nothing wrong with it. If you start hanging outside her house, a problem, lol, but going to a game and showing your support, not a problem!


  3. LOL!! I promise I wont sit outside her house! HAHA! :)

    Ohh I did not meet many cool dudes but happy I met a friend! You're lucky! :)

    Glad to know I'm not alone with the obsessiveness! xoxo
