Tuesday, August 13, 2013

I Am Only In Competition With Myself

Unfortunately I feel like everyone has someone in their life that is constantly competing with them.  A friend, a sibling, a coworker.  Someone.  Whether it's job related, school related, appearance related, health related or anything...it's still awful/annoying.  Listen people: we should not be competing with people we love.  We just shouldn't.  I suppose that some people may argue that a little healthy competition never hurt anyone, and maybe in some situations you would be correct and I agree that competition is a great motivator. However, how about competing with yourself?  I agree with that and that is why my biggest competitor is who I was yesterday.

 I am only in competition with myself.

I want to be stronger, faster, better than I was yesterday.
I work hard to break my own records.
I work hard to build my own muscles.
I work hard to feel my own shirt drenched in sweat.
I work hard to make myself feel amazing.
I work hard to reach my own calorie goals.
I work my butt off to feel my clothes become too big.
I work hard so that I can do pushups and burpees someday.
I work hard to see my heart rate increase.
I work hard for me and only me because I want to transform who I am into someone better.  Please understand that and do not for one second think it has anything to do with you or anyone else.  I am my own motivator and being in competition with myself is the only competition I want to be in.  The only competition I will be in.

I hope that everyone can understand what I'm trying to say and I'm sure someone can relate.  With that being said, here is a picture of how competing with yourself is great motivation.

"I don't believe you have to be better than everybody else. I believe you have to be better than you ever thought you could be."

This picture is special to me because it shows how I have improved from who I used to be.  In 2011 I was at my highest weight. I was oblivious to the fact that I had gotten so unhealthy and unhappy.  You can just see the change in confidence and attitude from 2011 to 2012 and even 2013.  I am a different person. I am better than who I used to be.  That girl from 2011 doesn't exist anymore and she will never resurface.  She is a part of who I am but not who I am.


  1. Hey girl you look really great!! Such a major transformation!

  2. YOU are definitely winning in this competition with your old self *Ü*

    When I first started walking a lot, I joined a pedometer website called Walker Tracker and participated in a lot of competitions. On Fitbit, we are "ranked" and many have competitions there. All my numbers (step count, calorie burn) are really just for ME now, to see how I am doing compared to what I have done in the past (my old me, from just a few years ago, actually blows my current me out of the water). But right now, I feel like I'm doing good!

    1. I sure am trying! :)

      I hear great things about Fitbit!! There is nothing wrong with a little competition like that! As long as it's fun and with good intentions :) I bet you are doing awesome!! Keep it up! :)

  3. You are totally winning!!! Great picture progression!
    I only compete with myself these days, too! I love the list of things you are working on against yourself!!!

    1. Competition against ourselves is the best motivation ever!! :) xoxo

  4. Great progress! Way to go! Love this post, its so motivating :)

  5. Wow! Your transformation is amazing! The pictures say it all. Keep it up!

  6. amazing!!! keep up the good work you can do this!!

  7. Hello Julie,

    You have a great story and you look amazing! I have a small company who just started and "I AM MY ONLY COMPETITION" campaign. We are asking people to write in or send videos of their testimonies of how they have overcome anything. We have products that we are selling with this slogan that I would love to offer to you for helping us out by just sharing your story. If you are interested, please email us at tres.royale.enterprises@gmail.com or info@castleofkings.com. We would love to share your story with the world!

    Thank you for your support.
