Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Fit by 30

I went into Philly last night to meet up with one of my besties for dinner.  We talked and chatted and the subject of working out and losing weight came up.  I told her, over my bacon cheeseburger, that I was struggling with motivation and the desire to keep going day to day.  I explained how I needed help and I needed to feel the motivation I once did.

She's brilliant and came up with the perfect plan of action: "Fit by 30"

It's perfection.  We both will be turning 30 in November, gross, and want to be an improved version of our current selves.  By this she means feeling better mentally and physically, hence the term fit.  In no way does this mean that we are aiming to lose a set amount of weight by November, it just means we want to feel better.

I absolutely love this idea. Especially since 1. we will be doing this together and 2. I want to feel better.  We both got really excited and motivated and put a plan into action!

  • I will be joining Weight Watchers again in the upcoming weeks.  I will be travelling for work next week so once I return I am going to hunt out a good location.  Weight Watchers has always worked best for me and I have had a lot of success with it.  I want to go to one around my work so that I can easily go on my lunch break. This will be so much easier because who wants to go weigh in after a long day at work...not I!  Plus sometimes I work late and I don't want to miss a meeting! Perfect solution!
  • After work I will drive into the city and go to the gym with her!  We both belong to LA Fitness and I have the plan where I can go to any location.  I was previously bummed about not being close to the location I loved with all my favorite classes and gym friends.  Hopefully going to this new location with her will help with that void.
  • We will do this together! Both of us have been on a yo-yo for the past few years.  The best success for both of us was in 2011 when we did it together!  We were each others support system and would always check in with each other. It worked great and we hope it happens again!
Woooooo "Fit by 30"!!


  1. So great that you have a buddy - go you! :) Sounds like a lot of reasonable planning and ways to make it work for the way your day works. (Weird sentence.)

  2. Keeping a food journal and also downloading apps like Mapmyrun are helpful as well. I don't think people should count their calories unless they are eating like 10,000 a day and need major help. Don't ever restrict yourself =) The more you restrict the more you want it.

  3. fit by 30 is a great idea and good motivator. I always work well with timelines, and I think it's awesome that you are measuring this by how you feel (as the pounds will come off anyway with your actions). you're lucky you have a friend to do this with you :D I unfortunately only had the online community for support and actually lost some friends in the process of my weight loss

  4. You needed help, you asked for help, and now you have help - in the way of a good friend to keep up your motivation. I know if I'm doing okay or not so okay totally by how my clothes feel and how I feel about me. Bleah sometimes! I find a good walk helps to pull me out of the dumps and get me back on track - soooo much more fun with a buddy.

  5. Its good for you both that you both are going to workout together,
    Joining Weight Watchers again is a good decision to keep yourself fit.

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