Monday, May 13, 2013

Turn Negativity Into Positivity

I am a HUGE optimist.

If something bad happens, I will try my best to turn it around into something positive.  That is just the way I am.  Something positive can be found in almost every negative situation. So of course after the "situation" on Friday...I was mad/angry/hurt/frustrated.  I took those feelings and turned them into something awesome.


I texted my trainer and asked her if we could go hard Friday night.  I was mad and I wanted to get my butt kicked.  I was so motivated to get a kick ass workout in...and I did! I channeled my frustration and anger into my workout and pushed myself hard and did whatever she told me to do.

Friday night training sesh at the park!
YES! That is my amazingggg trainer Tricia! I love her! Remember she's always my fav zumba instructor. She's so much fun! We had a great time on a beautiful day!  She made me run a bit, do alot of lunges (as always), kettle ball exercises, cardio exercises, resistance bands and all that fun stuff.  I love our sessions because she makes me use muscles I never usually use by doing exercises I would have never thought to do.  It's a good change from what I usually do at the gym.  It was the perfect way to spend my Friday night and turn my day back around! :)

I feel like having an awesome Friday night workout really put me on track for the weekend.  I woke up early and went out to run errands.  I know that is totally not weightloss blog related but it kinda is since I went to get my nails done.  If this journey has taught me's to have confidence in the way I look.  I usually get my nails done every two weeks because it makes me feel cute and girly.  I love it.  Feeling cute was a major issue I had to work on throughout this whole process but I finally feel confident with my body and how I can make it look (with alot of work haha).  So side note over...I got my nails done and then spent my afternoon playing xbox like a nerd.

Barbie pink nails and a sugar free fat free iced coffee!
Perfect Saturday afternoon :)

At around 4:00 I went to a zumba class that was being taught by Trish. I usually don't do zumba on Saturday's but she was stepping in for another instructor so I told her I would go. It was a bomb class.  Love it, as always. It was a good workout and that Saturday workout meant that I worked out 6/7 days that week. That is pretty BAD ASS!

Saturday Zumba and my clean dinner!
After zumba I came home and made grilled chicken with my avocado mess. I love it. Ha. That night I headed down to Delaware for Mothers Day.  I was planning to make my mom a great mothers day breakfast. Thanks to Pinterest the menu included pumpkin french toast casserole, bacon/sausage egg bake and cheesecake croissants.  Needless to say I had my weekly cheat meal that morning!  :)  It was a great weekend!

There is one slight thing that is bothering right foot.  It has been hurting for a few weeks but I have been ignoring it.  I guess I have been working out too much this week because by Sunday it was hurtttttting pretty bad.  I have it wrapped up in an ace bandage today and I plan on seeing a doctor for it.  I hope it's nothing major...I am on a roll right now and I do NOT need any road blocks!  Bummer.

This weeks plan:
Mon- Zumba
Tues- Body Pulse & Ab killer class (eeek)
Wed- Bomb Zumba
Thurs- Gym day (whatever I want to do.  C25K?)
Fri- TBD
Sat- TBD

It's going to be a great week!! Looking forward to weighing in on Wednesday! (You know I would be dumb to do it the day after a cheat meal) :) :) :)

P.S.- THANK YOU to all of my amazing friends (yes we've never met but you all ARE my friends) on here that stuck up for me and gave me encouraging words! I love you all and that was amazing

1 comment:

  1. I just caught up on the last post... I had a coworker like that. She was awful! I was sooooo happy when she moved away. I'm glad you found a way to take out your frustrations!
